PLEASE NOTE: The RCMP Foundation is
not accepting new applications at this time.
On this page
Since the RCMP Foundation was formed in 1994, we’ve invested more than $10 million in communities Canada-wide. From youth-led video productions to sporting events, from an Indigenous symbol being painted on an RCMP detachment wall in Alberta to covering the costs of playground equipment, we strive to improve our communities through the distribution of money raised through the RCMP Foundation Licensing Program.
The Champion Fund offers funding not just as charitable gifts but as investments in the people of our community. We understand that our success depends on strong, safe and vibrant neighbourhoods.
Read about a few of our success stories.
Funding criteria
Who can apply.
Champion Fund support is available to RCMP members and community leaders across Canada. RCMP members, RCMP employees and other qualified donees (yes, that’s what they are called) can apply for a grant from this Fund. As long as the application meets the Fund’s criteria, it will be considered.
Projects should primarily target vulnerable groups.
Examples of vulnerable groups could include youth at risk, seniors, battered women, Indigenous groups and adults in need of literacy training. Others target groups could be considered based on the needs of the community.
Projects should reflect partnerships with community groups.
There should be a clear indication of the community’s initiative and involvement in the project as well as the commitment of other community participants to the management and funding of the project. This support needs to be in place prior to application. It is not enough to “anticipate” or “count on” support. Funds cannot be directed for a project whose sole target group is RCMP members or family members. (Please see Note 3 below) Any such applications will be removed from the application queue.
A SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT PLAYGROUNDS: Funding requests for playgrounds will be based on community requirements and needs. Should an application be made for playgrounds, applicants should be requesting only physical playground equipment such as slides, swings, monkey bars, tubes and tunnels, wall panels, climber add-ons, overhead ladders, add-on slides and other construction toys. Building costs and infrastructure will not be funded.
In-kind donations are considered donations in goods and services rather than money (or cash).
Approximate values must be included in the request. Examples of in-kind giving include, but are not limited to, donations of new and surplus inventory, donations of used equipment and furniture, donations of computers, household items, vehicles, labor costs, staffing and administration costs and supplies, household furniture and various other components.
Projects must have broad appeal within the community.
The application must demonstrate significant benefits for the community as well as the support of project by the community. REMINDER: Support must exist prior to submitting an application for funding.
Grant requests must not exceed $10,000.00.
Applications with requests of more than $10,000.00 will NOT be considered by the RCMP Foundation. The Foundation is committed to maximizing its contribution and to bringing benefits to as many communities as possible. The Foundation will not be the sole source of funds and wants to see other committed project funds before grant approval. RCMP Foundation funding must not exceed 33% of the overall budget. Applications with incomplete or erroneous budgets will be removed from the application queue.
Submissions can be funded only once per year.
The Foundation wishes to limit its contribution to funding a community group to once per year. Once a program has received funding they must first return the completed four-month follow-up report before submitting another application to fund the same project or program.
The project should provide promotional opportunities.
This includes media visibility, signage and similar opportunities for the RCMP, RCMP Foundation and the community.
- The Foundation is attempting, with the RCMP’s full cooperation, to fund projects that will directly affect the ability of community participants to achieve their aspirations and volunteer objectives.
- Funds granted by the RCMP Foundation must be used within four months of the cheque’s issue date. Should the cheque become stale-dated, it will NOT be reissued. If funds will not be used, it is the payee’s responsibility to contact the Foundation and make alternate arrangements within this time frame.
- Organizations being provided with funding must offer proof that other sources of funding, per your application, have been received. This must be in the form of photocopies of the cheques from other sources. These can be mailed or emailed to the RCMP Foundation. Proof that other sources of funding, per your application, have been received after the three-month mark will NOT be considered and the organization must reapply for funding.
What we won’t fund
To the greatest extent possible, the Foundation will not fund
- surveys
- salaries and other related staff expenses
- honoraria
- travel and transportation costs
- administration costs
- speeches
- insurance
- conferences
- projects that are considered core funding of the RCMP
- building costs, equipment and infrastructure such as but not limited to, lumber, machinery and equipment for bulldozing, installation of equipment, landscaping, excavation, turf, crushed gravel, concrete, fencing, cement, electrical and HVAC
- Projects that are scheduled to terminate prior to the RCMP Foundation funding round (If the project application date has passed an explanation is required in the “How Funds Will Be Used” section of the funding application describing how funds will be allocated after the project has taken place.)
Notwithstanding the criteria and restrictions, the RCMP Foundation reserves the right to fund or not fund any project for any reason. Further, the RCMP Foundation reserves the right, at its discretion, to remove any applications submitted that do not fit within our mandate and mission. Incomplete applications and applications which do not fully meet the RCMPF criteria may also be removed.
Terms and Conditions (Please read carefully before submitting your application.)